Y'all, I had a baby in this belly up until 3.5 months ago. Sometimes, I forget that when I'm trying to squeeze into my skinniest of jeans.
This past (and last) pregnancy and delivery were so much harder than the first. I went into both pregnancies super-fly fit, with amazing abs and a high and tight booty. (Just being honest.) I won't go into details, but recovering from a c-section and an attempted version (when they PAINFULLY try to spin a breech baby) straight-up knocked me down. I felt defeated.
I posted the above photo because for a few months after Amelia arrived, I seriously wondered if I'd ever have my body back. If you peek into my Google search log, you'll find "2 months post c-section belly" and "Will I ever see my abs after a cesarean" among hundreds of other post-cesarean "body after baby" questions. I'm dead serious. Let me tell you: there aren't very many promising posts out there. If I can feel discouraged, then I can only imagine all the other awesome mommas out there that might need a little boost. I've still got a lot of work to do, but I let the discouragement go. I also broke down and bought a few pair of hip-forgiving pants. Check these and these out. They're so stinking cute, especially for post-partum problem areas.
I have, however, lost 5 pounds since this post. That doesn't seem like a lot, but there's also 13.5 inches lost to go along with that.
Some people assume that I'm naturally skinny. Not true. Being fat is in my genes. I'll spare you the deets, but I thought I'd post what a typical day looks like over here. Fortunately, I don't work outside of the home, so I've been able to focus on getting my groove back. Let's be real though: an hour at the gym is an hour at the gym, no matter when you spend it. Even if I did work, I'd find a way. I'm a no excuses kind-of-gal, no offense to anyone.
5:00am: Amelia wakes up (screaming hungry) without fail, every day. I feed her and get her to go back down. It usually takes 30 minutes or so.
5:30-6:30am: I attempt to squeeze in another hour of shut-eye.
6:30am: I wake up to kiss my husband good-bye for the day and brew my cup of coffee.
6:30-7:15am: Drink coffee, eat a healthy breakfast (usually almonds and fruit), work on Gussied orders/emails, and get dressed and ready for the day.
7:15am: Amelia wakes up. I feed her and get her dressed for the day, then attempt to get her back down for a morning nap.
7:45/8am-ish: Amelia goes back down; Eva wakes up. (See how they plot to take up every minute?) I get her fed and dressed for the day. We will usually spend some quality time together while Amelia sleeps. If it's a school day (Mom's Day Out), I pack her lunch etc.
9:00am or so: Amelia wakes up, so I feed her. (See a pattern here? She eats all.day.long.)
9:45am: I make sure both girls are happily fed, full, dressed and have potty'd, then head to the gym.
10:00-11:15am: Step class (or whatever class is offered that day), followed by running stairs and a few weights.
11:30am: Return home, chug chocolate milk, while fixing/feeding the girls their lunch. Amelia's diaper is usually (conveniently) a blow-out around this time too. Try to get myself fed sometime too, but that requires a third arm.
12:30pm: Amelia usually goes down for a nap, so I try to spend time with Eva (painting, coloring, etc) or work on Gussied orders, depending on what needs to be done.
12:30-5:30pm: Amelia wakes up, eats, goes back down. We haven't hit a solid two-nap schedule yet. She's off-the-charts tall, so she is seriously always hungry and napping has been very inconsistent. We've had issues with Eva needing and wanting attention since baby sister arrived, so it's a constant struggle/juggle to find balance. Somewhere during the day, I try to rest. You know, since my day technically started at 5am.
If I'm feeling really zealous, I'll hit the gym for a cardio class at 6pm. If not, I'll start dinner prep. If you ask most moms, this is the "witching hour". It's not fun. The girls are usually cranky and I need a break, so you can usually find me at the gym. Not going to lie: gym childcare is worth every penny.
7pm: Husband arrives home from work around the same time that the girls and I are pulling in from the gym. He works crazy hours (usually 12 hours a day) and some Saturdays, which is why I don't work outside of the home. I realize how blessed that I truly am, but staying home isn't a cake walk either.
7:15-9:00pm: Healthy dinner (usually chicken + veggie), quality time with the family and baths for the girls. Amelia is usually down by 8. Eva, by 9.
9:00-10:30pm: Quality time with the husband, which usually includes an episode or two of Breaking Bad. (side note: that show is CRAZY good, y'all!)
10:30pm: PASS OUT, hoping that tomorrow will be the day that Amelia decides to sleep until 8, but plan on 5am instead.
I never realized how hard parenting more than one child is. Luckily, both girls are fairly "easy" and they enjoy "going to the gym". Amelia likes to be held all day. I happily oblige because she is my last baby. We also have two dogs, so there's always poop to be scooped in the backyard or a hungry mouth. Notice: nowhere did I mention dishes, bill-paying, gardening, laundry or cleaning. I squeeze those in when I can, which is usually in 5 minute increments throughout the day. I seriously never stop.
This post isn't intended to be like "look at me and what I can do". I'm vain. I want my body back bad. I want it so bad, that I forgo manicures and pedicures to have time to be at the gym. I've learned how to style my hair without blow drying and straightening it. Ain't got time for all that. I live in gym clothes and there are dishes in the sink at all times. I've learned that YES! I can have my abs back after a cesarean. I've learned that losing weight is even harder at 37 than it was at 33. I've learned that every calorie does count. Getting fit is important, but babies are only babies for a short period of time, so prioritizing is important. My Gussied business has suffered and I'm ok with that. Perhaps in the future, I'll take it to the next level, but until then you can find me holding, feeding, entertaining and cuddling my babes or spending time with my husband. Or at the gym.
How bad do you want it? You can have it. I promise.
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