Several friends have asked what the Easter Bunny brings our babes. Every year, he's gotten a little more practical with gifts. He must have learned that I cringe at the thought of endless amounts of candy and janky dollar store toys that break. Plus, I seriously don't have the will-power to turn down anything chocolate and Easterish (hello, Cadbury milk chocolate eggs). Luckily, we live close to the coast so beach/swim attire and toys are always needed - and they're usually pretty cute too. Throw in some accessories and bath time fun, and my little beach babe's day will be made.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Newborn Essentials
After birthing two kids, both of whom were three weeks early, I know a thing or two about what is *needed* once home from the hospital. Eva arrived one week prior to my "big" shower and we seriously only had a handful of things. Two lessons were learned: 1.) Make sure baby showers are before that 37 week mark. 2.) That's all that a newborn really needs - a handful of things (in addition to diapers, wipes and a place to sleep).
Don't get me wrong, as Momma to two girls, I certainly do enjoy the "fluff" but ask me if I ever used my bottle warmer. No.
And side note: This list is not exhaustive of "What Momma Needs" either. You know, like stock up on coffee before you head to the hospital kind of needs. That will come in a later post. I shall carry on:
If mom friends ask for advice on what makes/made my children sleep through the night early on, I always ask if it's possible they could be cold. It's hard to believe that even in South Texas, when it's 100 degrees outside, that my children sleep/slept better in their fleece sleep sacks than they did in plain pajamas. In fact, just the other night, my husband attempted to cheat by putting Amelia down in a onesie. She was awake within an hour, discussing the matter. Once her sleep sack was on, she was out. For the night.
White Noise Machine (that produces constant noise)
With Eva, we started out with a certain stuffed animal that made white noise for about 20 minutes. It was great, until the thing shut off after the allotted time, which woke her up. There we were, taking laps into her room to turn it back on and soothe her back to sleep. Repeat. Repeat again. Once we invested in a machine with an on/off switch that could be left on throughout the night, she started sleeping in 12 hour increments. Genius and duh. Hit up ole BBB, coupon in-hand, and get some sleep tonight. It's not an obtrusive eye sore either.
As I mentioned, both girls were early - as in "Pack your bag, you're being induced tomorrow" early. With that being said, my milk never really came in. We used Brown's bottles from the get-go. They're pricey and a pain to clean, but so worth it. We've never had any gas issues with either of the girls. And now, they come in pink - a pretty plus for little ladies.
Women who haven't been up at 3am with a snotty kid, think this contraption is gross. It's not. In fact, it's a lifesaver. Toss the bulb that comes in the first aid kit. This is far superior. After two bouts of RSV with Eva, we now worship this thing. Amelia came home from the hospital congested. We used it immediately and have often (infant allergies perhaps?). I won't go into specifics on how it works, except that yes, there is a filter and yes, you will see exactly what comes out from their tiny nose. Stop gagging; it's really not that gross. Go read online reviews and buy one. You'll thank me later. And when your kid shoves a popcorn kernel up her nose on a Sunday afternoon, after you're two mimosas in, you'll be so glad that you have it. True story.
I hope my list helps - whether you need a good/useful baby shower gift or you're panicking because the registry list takes up an entire five pages when printed. Relax. You don't need to spend your life's savings on what *they* claim are baby basics. Save your money for college. And babysitters.
I'd love to know - What items did you find most useful, once home from the hospital?
Monday, April 7, 2014
Nineteen pounds, let's do this!
I'm very goal-driven. Nothing can stop me, except a sick child. Not being able to take Eva to the childcare at the gym last week caused me to miss 3 workouts - a minor set-back.
A little background on my pre-pregnancy (and usual) weight: I was super-fit and had been for several years. At 5'11, I was/am usually long and lean, weighing 161-165 and wore a size 8. I love(d) to workout. Then I got pregnant and truth be told: I didn't break a sweat for the entire 9 months, for both pregnancies.
After my oldest daughter Eva was born, and I lost all the water weight, the scale read 190 at my 6 week postpartum appointment. Sheer panic. Nothing in my closet fit and I had never been overweight. I realized that I was wearing all those craving-induced ice cream calories on my hips. I immediately researched and found a local boot camp/tabata style workout class. Off I went, with Eva in-tow. After attending 3 times/week and eating clean, the weight came off. I was back down to my pre-pregnancy (and wedding) weight of 161. My friends joked that I popped the baby out and went back down to my usual size, before I left the hospital. I wish.
I'm here to tell you, that even though I'm usually fit and slim, I have weight issues. I have problem areas (hello, hips) and I'm 37 years old, 38 in June. I'm no spring chicken and I l-o-v-e to cook and eat. Being fit is fun, but it is work. Even for me.
Fast-forward 3 years to this past pregnancy with Amelia. I didn't invest in Blue Bell every night like I had done before, but I was still sitting at that same 190 mark at my 6 week postpartum visit. I couldn't believe it. I had made better food choices, yet there I was in disbelief. Sheer panic. Again. Unable to wear anything in my closet and unable to sign up for the same workout class (time constraints - it's over 25 minutes away), I immediately added Amelia to our local gym membership and started the HIIT classes right away.
Bam. 8 pounds lost. Fast.
Then Eva got sick. And I made some bad food decisions.
Five days passed. Last week has come and gone and I'm still sitting at the -8 mark.
Here I am, trying to figure out where to go from here. Amelia is almost 3 months old, and I keep reminding myself that by the time Eva was the same age, I had lost all my pregnancy weight. Sigh. Friends keep telling me to quit beating myself up, but I so want to fit into *those* skinny jeans. And wear a bikini and shorts with confidence now that summer is here in South Texas.
Today, I did what I do well - made a goal sheet with rewards. I don't reward myself with food-related cheat days. It's too easy for me to fall off that bandwagon. Instead, I reward myself with (materialistic) things. If I'm being honest, I'll tell you that new, pretty things motivate me in crazy ways.
My current weight is 184. I can't even believe that I typed that. My goal weight is 165. Pictured above are all the rewards for milestone weight goals in-between. Once I'm down to 180 pounds, I'll treat myself to a manicure and pedicure in a springy hue. At 172, my tush will be treated to fun pom-pom shorts. Once I hit my goal weight of 165, this Momma is getting a new fun bag. Ready, set, go. I'm off to they gym!
I'd love to know...
What drives you? What gets you to the gym?
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